Airship | Lund to Smuggler Cove, BC
by Laura Domela 7 Sep 2024 16:19 PDT

Airship | Lund to Smuggler Cove, BC © Laura Domela
Before leaving Lund this morning, we walked up to Nancy's Bakery for breakfast, bought a loaf of fresh bread to-go, and then stopped in the market for some fresh salad greens and a couple other fresh things we might want in the next couple days before getting back to LaConner.
We left around 9am and cruised about 43nm to Smuggler Cove, a Provincial Marine Park we have not been to before. Saw a few sets of humpbacks spouting in the distance, but not close enough for any decent photos.
It's Friday, and the weather is gorgeous, so we fully expected Smuggler Cove to be (or soon to be) packed with boats, since we're now back in the land of many people and many boats. It's not a large anchorage, and stern ties are mandatory, but we easily found a spot and got situated. We set off in the dinghy to do some exploring.
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